Past Exhibitions
Scroll through to learn about past exhibitions at the Museum
Powerful Pollinators
The Museum collaborated with the Eurobodalla Photographic Club, and the Eurobodalla Amateur Beekeeping Club to create an exhibition on pollinators for Science Week 2024.

Australian National Maritime Museum’s touring exhibition, SUBMERGED: Stories of Australia’s Shipwrecks was on display November 2024 through to February 2025. 12 stories of significant Australian shipwrecks were complemented by a display on shipwrecks of the South Coast, including items from the Museum's collection. Read more about the exhibition here.

A Tale of Two Valves
The Museum's award winning exhibition “A Tale of two Valves” tells the story of local oyster fishing culture and industry around Bhundoo/the Clyde river from its origins with the Dhurga speaking Walbunja Yuin people 20.000 years ago, through to the incorporation of local oyster farmers in AOC/Australia’s Oyster Coast in recent years. A Tale of Two Valves won the Museum and Galleries NSW IMAGinE award 2024, and will return to the Museum as a permanent exhibition to 2025.